Tuesday 21 June 2011

How to Create a Great Online Dating Profile Picture

My Sexy Friends  | XXX Adult Personals
Anyone who has tried online dating knows how important a good picture is in getting interest and responses on your profile. Really, no matter how great the content of your profile, its the picture that's really grabbing the attention (or rejection) of everyone who sees it. However, many of us are just completely overwhelmed by the pressure of finding a good profile picture that we put up that 10 year old glamour shot (ack!) or the picture of us with our ex-girlfriend on the beach in Ibiza (poor taste, really, even if you cut her out of the picture or put a big black bar over her face).
Rather than conjuring up the impression that you're desperate and needy of attention with a wannabe model complex, or a commitment-phobe player who either hasn't let go of his last relationship, or cares about his past relationships about as much as a sock with a hole in the heel, why not grab a friend, some nice, bright, indirect sunlight, and your digital camera and get to work!
Step One: Consider Your Audience
Before you can come up with a great profile photo, you need to consider who you're trying to attract.  Are you looking:

  • for an intimate encounter?
  • to date socially?
  • to have a long-term romance?
  • to attract your soul mate?
  • or maybe you just want an ego boost and as much interest as possible for online chatting and phone calls?

...whatever you're looking for, who is the partner that would fit your bill?  Is he/she:

  • a sexy player who won't get emotionally attached?
  • a fun and easy going conversationalist?
  • a romantic and mushy cuddler?
  • or maybe you're looking for that special someone to role play Star Wars and camp out for 3 weeks in line for the next episode?

Whatever you're looking for, keep that in mind for step two, because you want to target that market and make sure you're going to attract the "right" person and not scare them off, or waste your time attracting what you're not looking for!
Most dating profiles fall into the middle of the road category of dating with the hope of something more with the right person, even when this isn't exactly what you're looking for.  In this case, you'll want your picture to clearly show your face and at least some of your body type, without being too overtly sexual or conservative.